Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I am a Mac user

Turn the clock back 12 months and there is no way I would have thought I would have been able to say that.

Most people that know my long term affilation as a windows user and avid gamer would be wondering why the hell I would be using a Mac.  Let me quote a recent conversation I had with a friend of mine.

"Black Ops aye. Well unless they release an OSX version I'll have to give it a miss ;)"
"I just thew up in my mouth a little bit...."

My previous exposure to the Apple Mac came 16 years ago whilst studying computer science at university.  We had no choice as it was a Mac only lab, so I begrudgingly used the Mac.  My experience at the time was not great as I struggled to bridge the gap between my PC and the Mac.

Fast Forward 16 years and I now am the owner of a nice new shiny 27 inch iMac and feel very much at home on my Mac.

I started to think about why it took me so long to make the move to Mac as I cannot see myself leaving for another platform anytime soon.

It all started early this year with my moving all the data and application I could to the cloud.  This resulted in not being closely coupled to any particular operating system.  I was messing around 6 months ago and loaded Ubuntu on my net book, I was instantly up and running with all my core data and applications.

I had become free of Windows for the first time since I started running windows 3.11 and more importantly I was now operating system agnostic.
I spent the previous 6 months working from Ubuntu and really enjoyed being free to explore various operating systems.

2 months ago decided to was time to upgrade my main PC as it was getting a tad old entering its 5th year.  I started looking around and thought hey Apple hardware is really nice, I could give OSX a go.
I feel very much at home on my Mac and I even cringe a little when I now have to do some work or help someone on a windows PC.  I am now very much a Apple Mac convert and find myself hanging out for the next cool piece of Apple tech.

Hopefully the 11 inch Mac Air is announced tommorow as I need to replace my lenovo laptop!!